Berjaya Corporation Bhd

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Call For Responsible Content Creation
Berjaya Corporation Berhad (“BCorp”) wishes to address a recent social media content by MGAG involving Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Vincent Tan Chee Yioun, Founder & Advisor of BCorp.

While such content may be intended for entertainment, it is important to recognise that real-life personalities should not become the subject of jokes or satire.

We strongly urge content creators and producers to exercise mindfulness and responsibility. Misleading or misconstrued information, even if unintentional, can lead to confusion, misinformation, and potentially harm an individual’s reputation.

We call on all creators to be aware of the broader implications of their work. Please ensure your content is accurate, truthful, and does not contribute to the spread of false or harmful narratives.
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Berjaya Corporation Berhad Founder & Advisor Associated with Financial Wealth Era
Berjaya Corporation Berhad (“BCorp”) or (“The Company”) has been made aware of a fraudulent investment platform, Financial Wealth Era, which falsely claims to be owned by Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Vincent Tan Chee Yioun, Founder & Advisor of BCorp, and is allegedly hosted at

We firmly emphasise that BCorp, its Founder & Advisor, and its subsidiaries are not associated with or promote this investment platform. We strongly advise the public not to participate with or invest in Financial Wealth Era or any other unauthorised platforms claiming association with The Company.

We advise everyone to beware of “get rich fast” programmes that promise massive financial rewards in a short period of time. If you come across these ridiculous allegations, please immediately report them to the appropriate authorities. Always conduct proper due diligence before engaging with any investment opportunity.
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Endorsement on Cryptocurrency “Azaliumbit” Auto-Trading Program
Berjaya Corporation Berhad (‘BCorp’) or (‘The Company’) has been made aware of a fraudulent cryptocurrency auto-trading platform, Azaliumbit, falsely claiming endorsement and support by Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Vincent Tan Chee Yioun, Founder & Advisor of Berjaya Corporation Berhad, alleged hosted at

We firmly emphasise that BCorp, its Founder & Advisor, and its subsidiaries are not associated with or promote this or any cryptocurrency-related schemes or platforms. We urge the public not to engage with or invest in Azaliumbit or any other unauthorised platforms using false affiliations with The Company.
We remind everyone to stay vigilant against “get rich fast” schemes that promise unbelievable monetary gains in a short time. If you stumble upon these outrageous claims, please immediately report them to the relevant authorities. Always conduct proper due diligence before engaging with any investment opportunity.
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Money and Credit Lending Services Bearing Similarities with the Berjaya brand
We would like to categorically state that Berjaya Corporation Berhad and its subsidiaries have no relations and are not associated with the following companies/platforms offering money and credit lending services:
  1. Berjaya Capital –
  2. Berjaya Credit Capital –
We would like to remind the general public to exercise caution and conduct due diligence before engaging with these particular entities.

For any inquiries or concerns relating to Berjaya Corporation Berhad, please visit our official website at or reach out to us at
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WhatsApp Financial Sharing and Money-Making Advice Group
There has been a noticeable increase in money-making and get-rich investment schemes on social media platforms, where irresponsible groups purportedly share untrustworthy money-generating tips and experiences. Recently, Berjaya Corporation Berhad (“BCorp”, “The Company” and “Group of Companies”) came across an alleged financial sharing and knowledge WhatsApp Group called “detlta-1101workgroup52” or “delta-409workgroup10”, bearing The Company’s logo.
Berjaya Corporation Berhad is not associated with the operations and management of the group and does not endorse any of its financial advice. We urge the public to exercise caution when interacting with members of this WhatsApp group and to be sceptical of any financial advice rendered or opportunities presented within the WhatsApp group.

The Company takes the protection of its reputation and intellectual property rights seriously. If you have been a victim of this fraudulent WhatsApp group or have any information pertaining to its activities, we kindly request that you report the WhatsApp group or to any local law enforcement or relevant agencies.

Please be reminded that it is essential to exercise caution when participating in any online groups or forums and to verify the authenticity of any organisation or individuals before sharing any personal information or engaging in any financial activities.

For any inquiries or concerns related to Berjaya Corporation Berhad, please visit our official website at or reach out to us via our official general line.
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Berjaya Corporation Berhad Founder & Advisor Associated with CryptoBot Online Platform
There have been reports that Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Vincent Tan Chee Yioun, Founder & Advisor of Berjaya Corporation Berhad (“BCorp” or “The Company”) is associated with a cryptocurrency trading platform known as CryptoBot ( We are issuing this fraud alert to warn the general public that there is no evidence to support these claims and that CryptoBot is likely a fraudulent attempt to deceive the public.

CryptoBot is an online crypto exchange that promises users high returns on their cryptocurrency investments. Unfortunately, there is no information pertaining to the operator and the owner of the alleged exchange, and there is no evidence that it is a legitimate business.
In fact, there are many red flags to suggest that CryptoBot is an alleged scam, including:
  • • CryptoBot makes unrealistic promises of high returns with little risk.
  • • CryptoBot does not disclose its fees or trading strategies.
  • • CryptoBot uses fake testimonials and celebrity endorsements.
  • • CryptoBot is difficult to contact.
We urge the public to be wary of any investment opportunities that are associated with Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Vincent Tan Chee Yioun, The Company or CryptoBot. If you have been contacted by someone offering you investment opportunities in connection with these individuals or entities, please do not provide them with any personal or financial information.

If you have already invested in CryptoBot and believe that you may have been a victim of fraud, please contact your local relevant law enforcement agency.
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Investor Sharing Group Impersonating Berjaya Founder & Advisor on Instagram
Berjaya Corporation Berhad (“BCorp” or “Company”) has recently discovered an Investment Sharing Group on an Instagram Sponsored Story. This group claims that BCorp’s Founder & Advisor, Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Vincent Tan Chee Yioun, is thanking the public for their support and inviting them to join the group. The group promises free investment advice, sharing of investing experiences, and the opportunity to earn greater profits in the stock market.

We want to emphasize that our Founder & Advisor has no connection to the alleged Instagram Sponsored Story and does not endorse or participate in any Investment Sharing Group on social media. This is a clear attempt by an unscrupulous third party with malicious intentions to deceive and mislead the public by impersonating our Founder & Advisor.
We strongly advise the general public to exercise caution and refrain from engaging or associating with the alleged Investment Sharing Group and the Sponsored Story on Instagram. BCorp will not be held responsible or liable for any personal or financial losses incurred by individuals or parties as a result of these fraudulent groups and practices.
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Fake Social Media Accounts Imposing As Berjaya Founder & Advisor
It has come to our attention that there are several fake social media accounts claiming to be owned by our Founder and Advisor, Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Vincent Tan Chee Yioun:



We wish to emphasise that Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Vincent Tan Chee Yioun is not associated with or posting on these social media accounts. This is a blatant attempt by third parties to misinform, misconstrue, and spread false information to the general public, and to tarnish the public image of our founder.

We urge the general public to be cautious and avoid associating or interacting with these imposter accounts. If you would like to validate any information about our Founder or the Berjaya Group of Companies, please get in touch with us at
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Irresponsible Syndicates Posing as Berjaya Assets Berhad Ltd. Recruiters Offering Part-Time Employment through WhatsApp or Telegram
We have recently been made aware of scammers claiming to be recruiters from Berjaya Assets Berhad Ltd, offering part-time employment through WhatsApp or Telegram via overseas phone numbers such as +251 90 668 8264.

Please be aware that Berjaya Assets Berhad Ltd. is NOT an associated company of Berjaya Corporation Berhad (“BCorp”) or any of its subsidiaries. These scammers are impersonating BERJAYA ASSETS BERHAD in an attempt to dupe the public and they are not affiliated with BCorp in any way.

We would like to reiterate that BCorp and its subsidiaries do not task recruiters to offer part-time employment through WhatsApp or Telegram. We only recruit talents through official channels which are on our Berjaya corporate website, JobStreet, and LinkedIn pages.
Please note that we take this matter very seriously as it involves the security and privacy of our staff and the community. We urge the public to be vigilant and not to engage with these scammers. Please report deceptive messages that you receive on your WhatsApp or Telegram.

BCorp and its subsidiaries will not be held liable and be responsible for any personal losses, financial losses or otherwise suffered by any party or parties arising from such fraudulent activities or negligence.

If you are unsure or have any enquiry, please feel free to verify and reach out to us at
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BCORPMTRADE Online Cryptocurrency Exchange Impersonating BCorp
Berjaya Corporation Berhad (“BCorp” or “Company”) has recently discovered a fraudulent online cryptocurrency exchange using the name “BCORPMTRADE”, and falsely giving the impression that the Company is operating a legitimate online cryptocurrency exchange through

BCorp wishes to highlight that it has no association with the above-mentioned name and website, as well as any affiliation and the exchange purporting to be controlled by the Company, as well as their fraudulent practices and solicitations.

We have reported this fraudulent cryptocurrency exchange to the relevant authorities so that appropriate action can be taken, and would like to warn members of the public to be cautious and refrain from engaging in fraudulent services from companies or individuals impersonating as the Group, its affiliates or the Company’s employees.
Should such activities appear even remotely suspicious, please avoid engaging these types of services or report them to the relevant authorities if you have engaged with them.

We would also like to remind the public to conduct proper research or to approach the Company if they would like to authenticate any information regarding the Company.

BCorp will not be held liable and be responsible for any personal losses, financial losses or otherwise suffered by any party or parties arising from such fraudulent financial services or negligence.
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WhatsApp Messages Offering Part-time Work and Job Vacancies at BCorp
It has recently been brought to our attention that scammers are disseminating WhatsApp messages posing as Berjaya staff, purportedly offering RM60 daily for supposedly part-time jobs to leave Google Map Reviews and job vacancies within The Group.

We would like to reiterate and emphasise that Berjaya Corporation Berhad (“BCorp”) and its associated companies do not offer part-time jobs that pay a daily rate or offer services that provide written reviews on Google Maps. Additionally, we would like to remind everyone that BCorp does not recruit talents through messaging services and only through official channels such as the corporate website, Job Street and LinkedIn.

The privacy and security of our staff and community are of the utmost importance, and we are working closely with the relevant parties to resolve this issue. If you have received these messages please report, block and remove the phone number from your WhatsApp.
In future, if you are unsure or have any other enquiries, please feel free to reach out to us by submitting an enquiry at
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Fraudulent Individual Claiming To Be Group Executive Chairman / Advisor Of Berjaya Group
It has been brought to BCorp’s attention that an individual named Dato’ Sri Diraja Prof Syed Abdul Rahman Osman Al-Attas has been circulating a business card bearing the Berjaya logo and claiming to be the Executive Group Chairman / Advisor of Berjaya Group.

We wish to alert members of the public that there is no person by that name under employment in the BCorp Group. Neither BCorp nor its subsidiaries are involved or associated in any way with this individual.

BCorp will not be liable or responsible for any losses, financial or otherwise, suffered by any party or parties arising from any interactions or dealings with this individual.
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Fraudulent Company Soliciting Business Investments
Berjaya Corporation Berhad (“BCorp” or “Company”) has recently learned of an email scam involving persons posing as the Company’s officers using the names Dato Tan Sri Chong and Keith Hunt, and falsely giving the impression that the company names of Berjaya Investments Bhd and Berjaya Financial Corporation as well as the websites and are affiliated to the BCorp Group. The modus operandi of the scam involves solicitations for business investments or business ventures.

BCorp would like to categorically state that it has no involvement whatsoever with the above-mentioned company names, websites and any affiliates and persons claiming to be employees of the company or of BCorp, as well as their fraudulent practices and solicitations.

BCorp has reported this fraudulent matter to the relevant authorities so that the appropriate action can be taken.
BCorp would like to warn members of the public that should they receive email solicitations from anyone posing as the Company, its group affiliates or the Company’s officers that appear even remotely suspicious, they should not respond to these emails or communicate with the sender, nor provide the sender with any personal or financial information.

BCorp would also like to remind the public to avoid clicking on links or opening attachments included in the emails, as doing so may result in malware or a virus being loaded on to the recipient’s computer.

BCorp will not be liable or responsible for any losses, financial or otherwise, suffered by any party or parties arising from such online scams.